Yet the sun still shines

IMG_2814I couldn’t write yesterday. I was afraid to write what I thought, to be too personal, to tread in dangerous waters. My heart grieved. My soul dreamed of lost innocence. My brain couldn’t comprehend any human who feels he or she has the right to take the life of others in protest of their lifestyle. This is a tragedy that should unite, not divide. Race, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, gender, none of it should matter. We are all people. We all have the right to live the life we choose, to enjoy freedom of expression, to feel safe. None of us have that anymore.All people, all politicians must learn to compromise, to work together to fight hate, to fight terror, to heal, to save, to restore safety. Every individual must practice responsibility.Instead, today, I want to give you two songs to consider in the aftermath of Sunday’s tragic mass murder in Orlando. The first, by Wild Belle a psychedelic ska reggae hip-hop group fronted by siblings Elliot and Natalie Bergman, is called “Throw Down Your Guns.” Originally written to be a love song, Natalie told NPR that the group turned it into a response to gun violence in their hometown of Chicago. Noting that in the past during times of war, bells were melted down in foundries to be turned into ammunition, the band wanted to flip it to a peaceful protest of violence, calling for guns to be melted down to create bells, which would make music symbolizing peaceful protest. You can watch and listen to the video here:Watch Wild Belle's "Throw Down Your Guns"The second song we all need to relisten to is John Lennon’s dream for something our world has yet to achieve. The irony that he, too, died of gun violence should not be lost.Watch John Lennon's "Imagine"I’m too sad to write more. I’ve followed the news and seen Facebook posts from all angles including “friends” calling other friends imbeciles for their views, siblings arguing, and politicians slamming one another instead of focusing on what’s important: victims and solutions.

Works Consulted

Sinnenburg, Jackson. “Watch Wild Belle Turn Guns To Bells.” NPR Music. National Public Radio. 11 March 2016. Web. 14 June 2016.


Repression, regression, and tragedy


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